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The Main Beach Association

Working for Our Community

The Main Beach Association organised The Main Beach Spring Flower Festival in early September and was a huge success. This was an enormous amount of work for the Main Beach Association committee and its small but loyal team of volunteers.

No sooner was the wash-up of the Flower Festival completed then we were faced with a very tight timeframe for interpreting and responding to proposed changes to the City Plan — as they will affect the future character and liveability of Main Beach.

This has proven to be a challenging and time consuming task, although it is pleasing to learn that the Council planners have taken on board many of our recommendations. This includes treating Main Beach as a special Frame Area within the Light Rail Urban Renewal Overlay Code.

Navigating the City Plan website is difficult, even for architects and other experts, and of course the City Plan is a work in progress. Some of the proposals that concern us are for reduced setbacks and greater site coverage.

We are also worried that the requirements for car parks in new developments are clearly inadequate. (The Gold Coast Bulletin ran an article about our concerns, plus an editorial about parking, on 6 December.)


If you want to learn more about what is happening in Main Beach, including an update on The Spit Master Plan, you should join the Main Beach Association and, if possible, attend the AGM. If you need an application form, download one from the website www.mainbeachgc.com.au.

Or ring President Sue Donovan on 0411 138 113 and she will arrange to provide you with a form and supply you with the AGM details.

Santa Christmas with Claire at Destination Main Beach

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